I haven't updated the blog in a few months. I was first going to apologize but I think instead I will say Hallelujah! I haven't had anything to blog about--which is a blessing. We have been doing routine family stuff...running kids all over town--and other towns.
Bobby has transferred to Cumberland. His drive is a bit longer than it was in Frederick but traffic is better and it is a nicer drive. Driving to Frederick was getting crazy with traffic. Bobby seems to like it up in Cumberland. The section is much more quiet. They don't fly as much as Frederick does but after all those years in Frederick, quiet is good. He is turning into a grumpy old man! He is picky about his newspaper and needs his reading glasses to read it. (Not that that is a bad thing)
Donna (me) isn't up to much. The kids keep us busy as does keeping up with the housework and laundry and cookding and shopping. That is a day...cook, clean, shop, taxi...repeat. And today is Monday...which means HERE STARTS ANOTHER WEEK. The weeks go fast. I work anywhere from 2-4 days/week and usually try to work on Bobby's days off. After that rough time after my surgery in September, it took weeks to get back to normal. Things have been good since then and everything is working as it should. The pain from that ovary is gone (as is the ovary) and I'm healing well. (See posts from September/October if you want to see all of that mess that happened after my surgery)
The kids are doing well. Lindsey is taking classes at the community college. She works part-time and is very busy. She isn't home very long and is off doing something else. Julie is a busy-bee. She is active at school with student government. She has tons of homework every night and keeps up with it well. She is still riding her horse a few times/week. She works very hard at the barn to help with expenses. Dan has joined the Civil Air Patrol and has his meetings once/week. He is a video game kid and loves his X-Box.
I haven't had anything exciting to blog about...but will try to make a post once a week to let everyone who is still looking occasionally what is going on.
Take care and thanks for stopping by,
Donna & Bobby