Dr. Sharfman called at 5:10. The results of his bloodwork came back today. Bobby WILL BE ABLE TO START THE PROCESS for trying to get into the clinical trial AT NIH! This is a good thing. (see previous post about blood types for the clinical trials). Dr. S told Bobby that his blood was HLA-A2–Positive . The NEXT step is to get current MRI and CT scans. He will have that done at the beginning of the week. They want to make sure there is nothing new. After those are done, they will contact NIH.
Needless to say, Bobby and I are very happy. The bloodtyping was a big hurdle...and he passed that! This means that he can start the clinical trial process INSTEAD of Interferon. AND, it is the NIH trial and not one farther away.
Enjoy your weekend...and thank you for all of the prayers---THEY ARE WORKING!
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