Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday Night Update...

Sorry it is taking longer and longer to get things posted. I have a tunnel dug from Bobby's side of the bed...under the unconscious children, through the piles of laundry, and somewhere, I come upon a cord. If I track that cord, securing myself along the way, AND NO ONE NEEDS ME, I can start typing in the dark...probably not.

Bobby is in bed. I've fallen asleep about 8 times while trying to type this so far. He is doing very long as I keep after him. He still can't eat (what he wants). Tonight, I fixed him some cottage cheese w/apple butter, some applesauce, and some rice pudding. He took about 4 bites and it was too painful to finish. That, combined with all the talking he did today, he was miserable all day.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. He is asking for some of Aunt Linda's magic cake.

OK, I'm asleep again...I wanted to get the pictures on that I had promised earlier. I'm not sure if I can swing that...but I'll try. Here is one from tonight...Lookin' good! Julie made him brownies. He could eat the batter!


Anonymous said...

Testing the comment thingy for Uncle Ron and Grandy

Anonymous said...

I did not have any issues posting a comment. Sorry FOLKS. I typed the comment, typed in the verification word, picked a nickname and hit PUBLISH. It posted immediately. Try again?