Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Up to Date News...Tuesday 3/18/08

Hello, it has been a long time since we've posted to the blog. That is a good thing! I guess I could be getting on and posting the good news that there is nothing to post? Still, not much going on, but I'll catch everyone up on what we're up to.

Bobby has an appointment next week at NIH in Bethesda for his first visit concerning the clinical trial. After his blood work came back and allowed him to be eligible, we contacted NIH. To be considered for the study, he had to have a recent MRI (yesterday) and CAT scan (in 45 minutes). He is currently drinking his BARIUM for the scan (yummm). If those scans are negative (and they should be), everything looks good for the clinical trial. I posted links to the trial information a few posts ago. We aren't sure what the process will include after we go for the first visit. We aren't sure when the first vaccine will be given but then he will go back every 3 weeks for another...for 33 weeks.

I'm sure the NIH process will be interesting. They are sending him consents "extensive" and will be calling us back today to answer some of our questions (about what happens after his first visit next week). I'll keep you posted.

Bobby is physically feeling fine. His scars are healing very well! Each week, the scarring is less and the swelling is improving. He looks great. There is still some concern and stress (and excitement) over all of these tests and appointments. Everything is working out very well...and falling into place. It will be great to see him back to work--regularly, as crew ASAP.

Thanks to everyone for visiting the blog and for leaving messages for Bobby in the Guest Book. We are very fortunate to have great friends and a wonderful family.

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