Monday, May 11, 2009


Bobby is improving daily. He is still having very vivid (and scary) dreams. He wakes up with his heart pounding...and has grand descriptions of what was happening in the dream. I can see themes in the dreams that correlate to events happening in real life. I'm sure the diagnosis gives feelings of helplessness and desperation.

We've been taking it easy this morning, relaxing with the newspaper, coffee...and getting the kids off to school. Julie is quarantined in her room (away from Daddy) because she has a sore throat and feels crappy. She is being very attentive to hand washing and minimizing her time that she is close to anyone else (esp. Dad). The kids are all pitching in and helping out. Grandy (Donna's mom) has been here with the kids. Yesterday, she left to take a little road trip around perhaps, WV. A sight-seeing tour. We need her back next week when we go for round 2. Grandy normally lives in Florida so it is too far for her to drive home for 10 days and then come back. She needed a little break from being here.

We have had numerous offers for people to help. Pam Shank has made arrangements for meals for our family for the next two weeks. She has been working hard and everyone here appreciates her efforts. Thank you to everyone for helping out. The support is amazing.

Bobby feels better today. He is still a little nauseated and sounds short of breath. He has more energy and his mood is "less grumpy." His appetite is returning slowly. He is still saying a few little goofy things...but not like yesterday or the day before! He is taking care of business things (bills, maintenance...) like normal.

I'm gonna go draw some bath water for him...maybe I'll join him!

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