Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hello everyone! We've been busy. We went to Charlotte for appointments on Wednesday. Bobby had to have a current MRI, CT scan, lab work, and physical that was within 4 weeks of starting the trial. It is planned to start on the 15th. The doctor saw Bobby yesterday and all of the scans look good. There is the one spot that is large enough to be eligible for the clinical trial. They found nothing new-which is great.
Bobby is feeling fine & doing well. He is a little tired today-but it was a long trip to Charlotte. It takes about 7 hours to get there. Bobby discovered a water leak in our basement last night. We spent the day sopping up water. It had run down over all of our stuff we store in the basement. Boxes and boxes to dry or repack... Luckily, we keep most of the stuff in plastic containers. All of the cardboard boxes were soaked and falling apart. Yuck!I found two newborn kittens on our deck Sunday evening. The mother wanted nothing to do with them. Of course, I couldn't leave them out there-they were crying really loudly. Soooo, I've been hand feeding these two tiny babies since Monday. Kittens this size (with no mother) don't usually survive. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We certainly don't need any more kittens, but it was very sad to find them without a mother. The babies rode along with us to Charlotte. They need fed every 2-3 hours. So far, they are doing very well. We have another cat that is very pregnant. My hope is that after she delivers her kittens, we can give her my other two (don't tell her). She adopted 3 the last time that weren't hers. Thank you Jeb & Danielle for adopting them. I was thinking that I need to start a shelter-and get them away from my house. Well, Bobby just brought me dinner. Grilled chicken breasts, asparagus, & pasta. I might just eat it and fall asleep. We don't EVER eat dinner in bed!

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