Bobby & I went to NIH today for his first vaccine. Before they start, they perform a procedure called apheresis. It pulls the blood through the machine and separates out the cells. The nurse (Jessica) adjusts the settings of the machine to where it is slurping out MOSTLY white blood cells. She said the white blood cells lay close to the platelets so it sucks out a few platelets along the way. They take out about 250ml of WBC's and some plasma & those pesky platelets. They wanted his entire blood volume to run through the machine 3 times. According to his weight & height, it would take the machine 4 hours to process his 5,000cc blood volume 3 times (15,000). The machine counted it all up.

Bobby did so well. He never complained once. He deserves a medal! He had a needle positioned in his left arm. He couldn't move that arm for 4 hours. He also had a regular IV in his right arm. He could move that but not much. Then, once she got everything hooked up, he was able to sleep for the rest of the procedure. The nurse was very nice and let me sit right by his side. They normally don't let family stay for it but I was very quiet and asked if I could sit in the corner. Thank you Jessica! After he was finished, I got him a TRIPLE MOCHA--A large mocha with an extra shot of espresso! (~He couldn't have caffeine b4 the procedure~)

The apheresis machine is on the right (duhhh). The last bag on the right ended up being about 1/2 full of pinkish liquid. She said there are no RBCs in it but the pigment from them comes along over with the other cells. She had a chart that told her what color the fluid should be and she had to adjust the machine to keep it there. It was an amazing process. The "leftover" blood (RBC's) went back into his body on his right side and his blood went back into him.
I could reduce my body fat in a few hours......or days?....maybe a few visits. And,
my suck them out of one spot and put them into another!
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