Friday, December 21, 2007


Initially, I figured I would have a huge story to tell-and hours of writing. I dreaded the task. More than likely, it would have amounted to me typing nothing. I've gotten smarter-I'm going to be brief least for now so I can get to the end of the story and bring us up to date. I'll do my best
  • Over the summer, and into fall, Bobby had a "sore" on his cheek that would not heal. It got larger and deeper. It was time for an appointment with the doctor. A shave biopsy was sent and the report came back as basal cell carcinoma.
  • The next visit was with the plastic surgeon. He removed the lesion and sent it for a biopsy. About a week later, we received a call that the biopsy showed melanoma. This was not what we wanted or expected to hear. The report said that there were concerns about the origin being ocular. The report also mentioned there were some signs of it being metastatic. This raised some questions due to the differences in the two biopsy results. Both biopsies were sent to Johns Hopkins for a second opinion.
  • Two more suspicious moles were removed in the meantime, they were sent for biopsy and were confirmed to be "Atypical Nevi". It was explained that these were "Pre-Melanoma" and would have resulted in melanomas if they had not been removed. The good news was that the doctor did get all of each one. Unfortunately, the larger one on his cheek did not get completely removed. He still needs to have that taken care of.

The worst part of this now was that one of them was on the bottom of Bobby's foot. So, he has stitches on the bottom of his foot--and used crutches for 2 days. He is getting around better now. His other muscles are sore from using the crutches--and crawling up and down the stairs.

  • The second opinion we were waiting for fell through. Hopkins would not read the slides to give us a second opinion. The original lab did confirm that the area on his cheek was melanoma and was fairly deep into the tissue.
  • The waiting has been the hardest part. Not knowing.

All of this has happened in the last 4 weeks. One minute we get good news...followed by uncertainty, followed by not-so-good news. Bobby has been off of work since his first surgery (the removal of the area on his cheek). Just when it was time to go back to work, they wanted to do the biopsies on the other areas. Those kept him off of work due to it being on the sole of his foot. I have enjoyed having him at home and I think he is enjoying the attention.

We have heard from our friends and family. It is comforting to know that we have the support of so many. Thank you for your care and concerns.

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