Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Today's News

Today, we saw Dr. Yoon. He is an ENT doctor in Frederick. He will be working with Dr. Albertoli to do the parotidectomy. They did not give any options to the procedure. The surgery itself is not bad but the risks are to damage to the facial nerve. Because the cancer is so deep, the procedure will take 3-5 hours and will be done in Frederick. As of right now, Bobby is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday.

The biggest possible hold up will be the results of the pathology report which we have not gotten. (See Blog:Quest) If the results are not back, the surgery will be rescheduled. That is frustrating because it can be hard to schedule a surgery that takes that long. All of this delays treatment...which is important.

As things unfold, and the picture becomes more clear, reality is becoming difficult to digest. Bobby is trying to see things thoroughly, but denial is still masking the ability to put things into perspective. That's OK too. I think it has been harder since he has been off work with the other biopsies/stitches. It has been nice having him home, but if he had been at work, his mind would have been busy on other things. I'm trying to keep his mind on other things...but, I have limits also! (Insert smile from Bobby)

I'll update tomorrow-we should hear from Quest. OR, if not, Quest will hear from me. They knew who Bobby was when I called today. I'm trying to update the Blog ASAP so that everyone knows what is going on. Thanks for the emails--I have not been able to respond...hopefully, I will have extra time now that Christmas has passed. I wish all of this would not have been over the holidays. It has added to our stress, it has added to the time of the process, it has cost us sleep---lots of sleep.

Good night for now. I'll update again tomorrow--or as soon as we hear anything.
We hope all is well with each of you, Bobby & Donna

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