Thursday, May 28, 2009

And, we're back home

I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. We went to the hospital on Sunday afternoon and left on Thursday morning. Bobby says he doesn't remember any of it. By tomorrow, he won't remember today. His memory will improve soon. I reminded the kids that he is a little mixed-up. Not really confused-that sounds like he doesn't know where he is(and he does). He just doesn't quite have his facts straight. When the nurse brought his shot this morning, he told her he had already gotten it. I'm sure this surprised HER because she surely didn't remember having already given it to him! He didn't argue when I suggested that perhaps it was yesterday's shot that he remembered getting. This is all part of the IL2. He is still restless but is able to find things to do at home that he couldn't do in the hospital. He has mail to read, a stack of newspapers, his tools, the X-Box, and he can go outside for a change if he needs to. He was quite stir crazy being stuck in that hospital room. His skin is very dry and itchy. He had some areas on his hands and feet that were peeling from the first course of IL2. Those have just started to improve-just in time to start peeling again. He is soaking in some Aveeno right now. The IL2 is horrible while you are getting it but the side effects do go away over time.

I'm exhausted. I had taken a book and some magazines to help pass the time in the hospital. I didn't have time to even open my book and I read one magazine article to Bobby...Consumer Reports' Guide to wiper blades. If I had a few minutes when he was asleep, I took advantage of it and grabbed a nap myself. He was a handful this time because of the restlessness. As soon as I thought he was happy and settled, he'd be up and want a change. I sent Jim a picture of Bobby laying backwards in the bed...before I could send the picture, he had turned back around! During the first course of IL2, Bobby slept for about 3 days. He even slept on the way home-I remember. This time, he couldn't sleep (or thought he couldn't sleep) and didn't sleep on the way home--I remember because he complained enough about my driving (getting back to normal quickly).

Catherine Ann brought dinner over tonight. It was wonderful. The last thing I could have done tonight was cook. Bobby hasn't eaten much of anything for several days. He did eat chicken & rice tonight. He liked the chicken. Our thanks to the George family! We haven't had dessert yet--

Actually, I did have some chocolate chip cookies that Sandy Miner brought over last night. Although Bobby and I weren't here, the kids appreciated having dinner. Sandy brought baked ziti. It must have been good because it appears most of it has been eaten! Thanks Scott & Sandy! So, the cookies I had were last night's dessert--that means I can still have some of tonight's dessert!

Well, it is 8:30. It has taken me a few hours to write this between interruptions, laundry, unpacking and relaxing. I'm ready for bed. I don't know if I had written in the blog last time about the vivid dreams that the IL2 causes. It causes very vivid, bizzare dreams. Bobby calls them HI-DEFINITION dreams. He says they seem so real-but they are crazy & don't make much sense. He was talking about the cat tonight-he remembers something about Copper (the cat) and wind-energy. Maybe Copper knows what he is talking about?

So, the plan is: wait until the 2nd week of June and repeat the CAT scan. It will show if the IL-2 treatment has stopped or reversed the growth of the tumors in his lungs. If the IL-2 has worked, these cycles are repeated: 3&4, 5&6...I can't remember how many: 6? or 8? If we don't see any improvement from the IL-2, we will be given the option of more clinical trials.

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