Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday ~ 1PM

Bobby had a rough evening and night.(Monday night) He had a few episodes of rigors after the IL-2 doses. The cure for rigors is morphine. The morphine causes him nausea. The nausea causes anxiety so they gave him meds for that. That gave him nausea & vomiting...the cycle went on through the night. Once we got that under control, he started feeling much better. His output was decreased so they did start the Dopamine through the night. This course has been harder than the first, but that was expected. His spirits are down and I'm working harder at convincing him that he is doing OK. The nurses have been doing a great job. They are trying to minimize the interruptions although that is still in issue. Even with a big sign on the door that says "DO NOT ENTER"-a lady just knocked, came in, said she was here to CHECK THE NEEDLE BOX. She rattles the keys, opens the bin, sees that the needle box DOESN'T EVEN NEED CHANGED, says thank-you and goes back out. Just that 30 second interruption wakes him up, he has to shift around and get comfortable again and try to go back to sleep. It is frustrating.

I'm going to try to catch the 1:10 shuttle over to the family pavilion...be back soon!

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