Monday, January 7, 2008


Bobby is quieting down. Even a day without much activity can be exhausting. Today, he was able to read the newspaper, carry some dishes to the kitchen, spend quality time with his family, and share some of his deepest thoughts with me. I am honored, yet scared. What lies ahead is in God's hands. We can share the most beautiful moments in what seems the darkest times. We talk about the future, what we have planned, what he most wants in life, and about what really matters. But, most of all, we look back on our past. We are so blessed to have the lives that we have. I've told him, he is the one that made all of my dreams come true. I always dreamed of the "perfect family"...a wonderful husband, three children, a house, the perfect job, and to be the proud wife & mother of all of them. What I have come to realize is that his dreams are also my dreams, funny how that works. He talks of things he would still like to see, places he would like to go. We've started a list ... and we're going to start working on those things. He can keep adding more, and that will give us more to have to get done--together, as a family.

This week, we will know the results of the pathology reports. He should also probably get his stitches out. We will be able to start looking at the near future and what it holds to combat the Melanoma. I will have to go back to work some time this week, something I can not even imagine. It will be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Even when I returned back to work from having our children, it wasn't as hard as this will be. He was there, with each of the kids, taking care of them until I got back. He told me he'd come to work with me. Hummm, I'll have to figure out how to pull that one off.

Goodnight to all, sleep tight! I've got my angels tucked in for the night.

Bobby reading his Harbor Freight magazine (his favorite subscription)I can't say who.... (no makeup)! (13)Ahhh, peace and quiet....And a 17 y/o with a cell phone...did I say quiet? Time for bed!

This is The Ditto