The scars are getting much better. The one by his ear is barely visible. If you didn't know it was there, it wouldn't catch your attention. The one on his cheek looks much better now that 1/2 of the stitches are out. When the rest of the stitches come out, it will continue to look better! He has feeling over most of it, just not around his earlobe. That may or may not come back.
We made the appointment with the oncologist in about 2 weeks. We will be able to get alot of our questions answered and be able to find out what else might be beneficial to help prevent recurrence of the Melanoma. Unfortunately, this type can return. (More on this later)
I'll find some pictures to post...and call it a night. Thanks for signing the is fun to see who has been here! We hope all is well with each of you...
Doesn't he look great?

Up close...a perfect stitch!

We trimmed a few of the tails...he could see them out of his eyes.
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