Thursday, January 3, 2008

** PICTURES of Bobby**

Here are all of the pictures (not ALL...but you know what I mean...) I'll post the pictures from the beginning and then add to this part w/pictures as we get changes. I will try to describe the pictures as best I can.
The recovery room. He is complaining of his HEELS hurting the most.

Some swelling, a black eye, DARLA, and a whole lot of Morphine. OK, This looks worse than it is. There is dried blood here and there. Once I cleaned it all up, it looked great!
The "d" shape is the area that the plastic surgeon took out the area where the cancer was. The top of the "d" is where he took tissue from and moved it down into the circle area of the "d". He created the flap, took out the area of cancer and moved the temple tissue down into that area. The temple was stitched straight up. This creates a pulling on his eye which the doctor said will be fine after the skin stretches. It will all be great over time.

Darla needed some attention. Of course, the good wife that I am, I offered my help...but we both hated Darla.

And, ultimately....what could be better? A hot bath, a shave, one-half of a beer (I felt sorry for him), and a private duty nurse to help him with all of his bathing needs. Life is pretty great after all.

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