Sharing our family's journey in the battle against a beast - melanoma. Bobby's hope is to prevent others from fighting the same battle by sharing his story and teaching as much as possible.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The news is TERRIFIC!!
Bobby is very happy-and I'm sure will wake up feeling happier every day. It is overwhelming. We are taking the kids out for lunch (not that we have a choice)--but we'll enjoy our lunch in Charlotte!
We don't always know why we are dealt bumps and curves in our lives but looking back, I can say that we are living life differently than we were 1, 2 or 3 years ago. We love more, laugh more, and pray more. For me (only)--I can say that I'm spending $$ LESS!
Celebrate TODAY and for tonight-have a nice dinner and celebrate with us! We'll be home tomorrow PM (maybe)!
It is Tuesday and we're in Charlotte
Well, we are waiting while Bobby drinks his CT contrast. They started his IV without any problems. We noticed that the sky was crystal clear this morning, not a cloud to be found. I hope that is the theme of the day. We love you all and know that you are praying for the best. I'll post again later...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
It is that time again
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are making big plans for a happy and HEALTHY New Year.
(Erma-don't forget to send me that address)
(Aunt Linda-the cake was delicious)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
We had a great dinner!
A little post...
I hadn't thought about this until I made the last post but I have a few pictures that I'd like to put on the blog. I think you'll enjoy them (I hope you do). We had a great Thanksgiving! We felt blessed to be able to share it with family. Julie wanted to have Thanksgiving in Bobby's parents' new house. Bobby's mother took everything we needed down to the house so that we could prepare & eat our meal there. She worked very hard and it paid off because our Thanksgiving dinner was terrific. We had many things to be thankful for.
Yummm, we can't wait...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Just a note...
We were told by the doctor that the tumors in Bobby's lungs appear to be smaller than they were 12 weeks ago. That's pretty clear to me (wink). This does not mean that he has been cured or that he is even "out of the woods" yet. It is perhaps a sign that the Ipilimumab is working. Melanoma is not something that is ever gone (permanently). I don't think we'll ever be able to erase this completely-but we'll pray that we can. We still need to wait for the official reading on the CT scan. The doctor reviewed the images with us just a few hours after the tests. Bobby says he'll feel better after the next set of scans at the end of December. We'll rejoice again if we continue to get good news!
I told Bobby that we CAN celebrate what we were told. We can celebrate and give thanks for ANY sign that things are better. It would be sad to have to wait for MORE signs, or better news, or bigger changes before we give thanks for even the smallest improvement. The signs we were given were very positive, but in no means are the end of this journey. Still, we give thanks to you and to God for this news-and for the gift of having YOU to share it with!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Encouraging news
Dr. Amin shows Bobby the results of the CT scans today.
Tuesday has arrived
Monday, November 30, 2009
New Message
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pictures from 3 weeks ago...
I have some pictures I wanted to put on the blog. The pics are from our trip to Charlotte 3 weeks ago. We drove home on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are also some pictures of Bobby getting his medication at the hospital. It is pretty simple (so the pictures aren't very exciting). Bobby is doing well. He says he's tired, feels a little run down. The sores in his mouth have improved quite a bit. I've noticed that his appetite has decreased a little. He still has his quart of ice cream every night at bedtime. Whipped cream, chocolate...the works! He's been busy all week. He changed the brakes and a few other ?? things on my van. Oh-he says he "Changed the transmission control module." He balanced the tires on his truck, got a load of wood...I don't know but he's been busy at home all week. He's driving me crazy! I can't get anything done when he is home-and he is always home. Usually, when we are off work together, we spend the time together-not doing the piles of work that are here. Well, if we are both home...I have to get into the routine of being able to get my stuff done without distraction. We are enjoying the time together-even if the laundry is still in piles!
Friday, November 6, 2009
We're doing well
Bobby has been busy. He's been working on fixing the water pump in the backhoe? at his father's house. He said he got the water pump all put back together & installed it back on the backhoe. It may be a loader...they're all the same to me. So he puts it all back together and starts filling the radiator with water. The water he poured into the radiator just ran right out. Apparently, it was the radiator that was in need of repair-not so much the water pump! Sigh :)
Today is Dan's 14th birthday. He is excited. We talked on the way to school this morning that he will be going to high school next year. We had a teacher's conference on Wednesday. They said he is doing well. Mr. King, Dan's math teacher said that Dan surprises him all the time in class. He said he will put a problem up on the board and show the kids how to solve it. Dan will show the teacher his way of solving it-a way the teacher never thought of.
That's all for now, we have a busy day...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Interesting Stuff
Ipilimumab is the drug that Bobby is currently getting. The clinical trial that is mentioned in this article is not the one Bobby is enrolled in. There are many options out there, but it is very hard to get accepted. One person mentioned that, "in one of these trials only 90 patients on the entire planet would be accepted." In Bobby's trial, it was 70.
Top 5 Treatments for Melanoma
Treatment of advanced (stage III and IV) melanoma is in desperate need of some good news. Although the incidence of melanoma is increasing by a whopping 3 to 5% per year in the United States, current therapies don't significantly increase survival in most patients and no new first-line medicines have been approved in over 10 years.
Clinical trials are the best hope for a long-lasting reduction or elimination of metastatic melanoma (called a "durable response" or "complete response" by doctors). The US National Institutes of Health lists 27 late-stage (phase III) clinical trials currently recruiting patients with melanoma. Many of the trials are testing new combinations of existing drugs, new ways to administer them, or new surgical procedures, but some are investigating brand new drugs. The most promising are the following:
Ipilimumab (MDX-010, MDX-101, or BMS-734016) - Ipilimumab is an antibody that activates the body's immune system to fight melanoma by inhibiting the CTLA-412 molecule. Three previous phase II clinical trials have shown that treatment with ipilimumab results in a one-year survival rate of 47% to 51% for people with stage III or IV melanoma, which is almost double the average. (Bobby is stage IV) Made by Medarex and Bristol-Myers Squibb. The trial that Bobby is in has 2 parts. Half of the patients are getting 'ipi" made by Medarex and the other half are getting the same drug made by Bristol-Myers (BMS). Since they expect FDA approval of this drug, Medarex could not keep up with the production. Because BMS is larger, and has more $$$, they are running the trial to show that their "ipi" is equivalent to the Medarex drug.
Allovectin-7 - This novel gene therapy is injected directly into the tumors of patients with stage III or IV disease, which then alerts the body's own immune system to attack the tumor. Earlier trials of Allovectin alone showed that tumors in 4% to 9% of patients responded to the therapy. The new trial is comparing Allovectin-7 to the standard chemotherapy treatment, either dacarbazine or temzolomide.
Oblimersen (Genasense) - Genasense is a unique inhibitor of Bcl-2, a protein made by cancer cells that is thought to block chemotherapy-induced cell death (called "apoptosis"). So by reducing the amount of Bcl-2 in cancer cells, Genasense may enhance the effectiveness of current anticancer treatment. Previous studies demonstrated that Genasense combined with the chemotherapy drug dacarbazine tripled response rate and significantly increased overall survival compared to dacarbazine alone.
MVax - MVax is a melanoma vaccine prepared from the patient's own cancer cells. Several studies have shown that MVax followed by interleukin-210 can lead to a complete response in up to 13% of patients, double that of interleukin-2 alone. MVax is also effective in patients with stage III melanoma when given post-surgery: it doubled the 5-year survival rate compared to surgery alone.
OncoVEXGM-CSF - OncoVEXGM-CSF is a vaccine that works by spreading within tumors and causing the death of cancer cells while stimulating the immune system to destroy metastatic tumors. Previous results from 50 patients with inoperable stage IIIc/IV melanoma demonstrated that 28% of patients responded, including 12% with a complete response. The new trial is enrolling patients with previously treated but inoperable stage IIIb, IIIc or IV melanoma and is designed to compare OncoVEXGM-CSF to a naturally-occurring substance in the body called a "granulocyte monocyte colony stimulating factor" (GM-CSF), which increases white blood cells.
Why Participate in Clinical Trials
Those who take part in clinical trials get access to the latest treatments that are often not available anywhere else. These treatments may be better than the standard of care and may offer the only hope for those with advanced disease. Simply put, participation in clinical trials by patients is the only way research will advance toward an eventual cure for melanoma.
Source: US National Institutes of Health. 10 February 2009.
©2009, Inc., a part of The New York Times Company. All rights reserved.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Today is Bobby's Birthday
Bobby was a little sad this morning. Birthdays should be celebrations...he has other things to think about. One always wonders if this will be the last...or one of just a few to celebrate. I know it is hard and he thinks about it often. We keep the spirits up and his mind on other things.
Bobby bought me a dozen roses and a big huge bag of Peanut M&Ms last favorite. He has been working on many projects around the house. Physically, he feels good. They wouldn't expect any symptoms from the medicine until after the 2nd dose (which is Tuesday). Bobby & Jim went to Charlotte on Tuesday (this week). Bobby enjoyed the time with Jim (6 hours each way). It was great that Jim could go along with him. 2 weeks ago, Bobby and I went to Charlotte. We had to stay for 11 days. I left early to bring Dan home. Dan had gotten sick with the flu just before we had to leave. We decided it was best to take him along and he missed a week of school. We worked hard to keep his germs away from Bobby-and it worked. It was hard for Dan to be stuck in the camper with us although we tried to do little things along the way.
We hope everyone has been well. It is hard to keep up with everyone and what is going on with you and your lives. We think and talk about everyone...and who is doing what & where...and wondering how life is for our friends (and family).
Tonight, for Bobby's birthday, we are going out to dinner with Jim & his family, Bobby's parents, and Bobby & the kids & me. It will be nice to have a family meal. I will get a cake and I ordered some balloons. Things to embarrass the Birthday Boy! We'll keep you posted of anything new...and I'll try to keep up with everyone. Love to all!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Possible Melanoma Treatment
Shared via AddThis
This would likely be the next step in treatment for Bobby. This is the treatment we had expected to be next before they sent us to Charlotte for the Ipi trial. Bobby is coming home tomorrow (today) :) and we will go back down on Monday...and next Monday. Thank you everyone for all of the prayers & support!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
First Dose..
So, things are going fine. Bobby has to get blood drawn at noon for the next 3 days. This is in addition to the seven times they took blood today! We are all tired...ready for bed. Thank you for all of the messages & prayers!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Facebook, Twitter Revolutionizing How Parents Stalk Their College-Aged Kids
OK..this is hilarious
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bobby is feeling fine & doing well. He is a little tired today-but it was a long trip to Charlotte. It takes about 7 hours to get there. Bobby discovered a water leak in our basement last night. We spent the day sopping up water. It had run down over all of our stuff we store in the basement. Boxes and boxes to dry or repack... Luckily, we keep most of the stuff in plastic containers. All of the cardboard boxes were soaked and falling apart. Yuck!I found two newborn kittens on our deck Sunday evening. The mother wanted nothing to do with them. Of course, I couldn't leave them out there-they were crying really loudly. Soooo, I've been hand feeding these two tiny babies since Monday. Kittens this size (with no mother) don't usually survive. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We certainly don't need any more kittens, but it was very sad to find them without a mother. The babies rode along with us to Charlotte. They need fed every 2-3 hours. So far, they are doing very well. We have another cat that is very pregnant. My hope is that after she delivers her kittens, we can give her my other two (don't tell her). She adopted 3 the last time that weren't hers. Thank you Jeb & Danielle for adopting them. I was thinking that I need to start a shelter-and get them away from my house. Well, Bobby just brought me dinner. Grilled chicken breasts, asparagus, & pasta. I might just eat it and fall asleep. We don't EVER eat dinner in bed!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Changes seem to work out for the better
The first question we asked was, "Why was Bobby bumped back 2 weeks-instead of another patient." They were very nice and said that they (doctor & staff) had discussed this issue prior to moving the dates. She said that, in the time since we got into the trial, other patients have come in that are needing in this trial due to severe situations. The doctor felt that Bobby's disease progression was slow and that 2 weeks was not an issue. Unfortunately, there are patients that are far worse. Bobby agreed that 1)as long as he would still be guaranteed a spot in the trial & 2) if it might help someone in greater need, he was also comfortable waiting for 2 weeks.
Things we haven't even asked for are getting taken care of for us.
Bobby surprised me with a Corel Photoshop program for my new laptop-with which he also surprised me!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 is where we are now
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Researchers Shut Off Immune Cell Inhibition, Causing Tumor Shrinkage and Autoimmunity in Patients With Metastatic Melanoma
CLICK HERE for the article
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
So, Dr.Amin compared dot for dot on scans of Bobby's lungs & says he CAN'T say that FOR ALL MEASURABLE PURPOSES he sees much growth of cancer!
Dr.Amin could not find a spot big enough to GUARANTEE a spot in this trial. He feels that PERHAPS the IL-2 was working by not letting it grow.
If the IL-2 is working, we have to look at the risks of the cl.trial vs. more IL2 (Bobby said he'd suck it up if its working!)
They will still proceed with cl.trial process.He may not get into trial BECAUSE HE ISNT BAD ENOUGH-which is certainly great news!
So this is very good news (sorry to spread via mobile) but the world was waiting. Celebrate & give thanks with us. WEAR SUNBLOCK!
We won't hear decision until next week as Dr. Amin wants to continue to review and consult with other doctors.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Clinical Trial Information-The study drug
Clinical Trial Information
Ipilimumab Information
Please send any questions our way and if we don't know, we'll ask the doctors. We can figure it out together!
Part 2 from Thursday's Visit
The doctor was pleased that the tumors in Bobby's lungs haven't shown much progression. He said that (not so) "unfortunately" the tumors are SO SMALL that they can not do a biopsy to get a piece of them. They need to have a piece of those tumors to be able to build the correct receptors and grow them in the lab. I think that if we can set our goal to keep those tumors SO SMALL that they can never get to them--we're set!
The place with the best clinical trial is probably in Charlotte, NC. We have a call in to the doctor there. The same trial is in NYC but we think NC would be easier. NIH is not doing this type of work right now. We're not sure if the trial is open for patients I don't have much information on it. NIH said to try this other clinical trial which is much safer than wiping out his immune system. We agree.
So, that is all we know until we get Cl. Trial information. Bobby & I are happy...even since last night, I can tell that he is realizing slowly what we learned yesterday. He was so worried about the scans showing something new. The doctor really made him feel better about the chances of that happening...and a plan if it does. So, Bobby is making plans to go back to work which will do him good. I hope to hear from NC today..I'll call again now and leave ANOTHER message!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
OK...we know everyone is waiting!
The results of the testing from last week were great. It showed that there was nothing new and only a tiny amount of growth of the lung tumors. All of this is great news. This is what we've been praying for.
The only thing we don't have answers to is WHAT'S NEXT. NIH is not feeling that they are the best place for him right now. They are suggesting we contact doctors in North Carolina where there is a clinical trial that might be best. I don't have all of the information on this so I'll post that when I get it.
Bobby plans to return to work and is still absorbing the good news. I have to post this and will fill in more later (after we play parent taxi)...but this should make everyone feel better.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Reading Material...Information from NCI (NIH)
Perhaps the most extreme form of experimental immunotherapy is adoptive cell transfer therapy. This treatment strategy, devised by Dr. Rosenberg and his colleagues at the NCI, involves removing the natural tumor-fighting T cells from the patient’s bloodstream, expanding their numbers in culture dishes, and then re-infusing them into the patient. The cells can also be engineered to become better tumor killers while outside the body.
For the re-infused cells to take hold, however, the patient’s own immune system is first wiped out using radiation, which may leave the patient temporarily vulnerable to infection. Dr. Rosenberg is hopeful about the benefits of his protocol. “Half the patients with metastatic melanoma will experience cancer regression with this therapy,” he says.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
P.S. Does the misery of raising teens mysteriously disappear when they turn 20? Maybe we go back to the "Terrible Twos"--2, 20?
Or, perhaps the Terrible Twos is a 20 year long period from 2 to 22!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Maybe I'll try to post more pictures tonight while they are all at the tractor pull. Bobby said that there weren't many pictures taken after I left...and I haven't looked to see what they brought back. Stay tuned ...
P.S. Bobby is feeling good. (Which is really all you wanted to know about anyway!) He is anxious to see what NIH/NCI has in store for him--and not really looking forward to it. He was glad to get the camper back & unhooked. It must have been a load off his back--which was starting to cause him pain. Changing the blown tire caused misery for his back. Other than that, he is doing great. We'll call NIH on Monday to set up an appointment and see what to expect next.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Almost home!
Today, as they head north from Virginia, they will complete the loop. EVERYONE will be glad to get home. I haven't posted much since I got home because I don't have the pictures that they are taking. I will have tons of pictures to sort through (at least that is what I'm hoping) when they get home. Pictures, laundry, food, souvenirs, and rocks. All of that STUFF in the camper will have to find a home inside the house. UGH!!! I think I would be happy moving OUT of the house...and just live IN the camper. It is so easy. Bobby is tired, and anxious to get home...he sounds a little tired and says it seems like it is taking forever to get home. Tennessee was long and Virginia is always a drag. We have always called it "Dan's Favorite State." When he was younger and we drove to Florida, he started the trip by asking "Are we there yet?" Our answer for hours was, "No, Dan, we are still in Virginia!" I know it seemed like days. They will be anxious to get home today and Virginia will seem like it never ends.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
View of Kennecott Copper Mine from the top of Butterfield Canyon Road
OK-this is the video that I was talking about. I will try to straighten things out on the blog--with which video goes with which title. There is a Hail video and a Copper Mine video. This is the Copper Mine video-from the top of a ridge that we drove for miles to get to the top of. The following day, we visited the mine from the Visitor's Center. It was a little more safe.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Aunt Tracy found him!
Jim & Tracy, Katie, CJ & Robert watched 3 of our cats for us for 3 weeks while we were away from home. They graciously took Ditto, Lexi, & Maybelline into their home. These are the 3 cats that we felt wouldn't do well if left at home. Lexi gets medicine twice a day for seizures. They are all spoiled and needed TLC. We were a bit worried about the mixing of two family's array of pets. Our cats would have to learn to live with the 2 cats & a dog that already live in the J&T Harsh household. Everything seemed to be going well and the B&D Harsh cats were dealing with the change...UNTIL Ditto disappeared! He was gone for almost a week. We got a call from Jim that he was missing and they were in the process of looking for The Ditto. They looked and looked and looked-NO Ditto.
Donna came home from Colorado on June 30th, leaving Bobby & the kids with the camper and another week of travel. After arriving home, she went over to pick up Lexi & Maybelline. They were happy and didn't seem to care if they stayed or came home. Still NO Ditto. The J&T Harsh family felt VERY bad that they misplaced Donna's favorite cat. Donna says that he isn't HER favorite cat but Donna is The Ditto's favorite person. The Ditto had even started to bond with Tracy before he vanished.
Donna brought Lexi & Maybelline home and settled them back into their own house. No Ditto. Then, at about 11PM the same night, Jim called to say that Mam & Tracy had found The Ditto. He had been hiding under a dresser behind a spot that kept him out of view. Even looking under the dresser, you couldn't see the fat cat.
Everyone was happy that The Ditto was found. Tracy was most happy--until the dumb cat went to the bathroom (x2) on the bed! DUMB DITTO! The next day, after work, Donna picked up Ditto (after coaxing him out from under the dresser). Ditto is happy to be home.
The Ditto
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I hope the link to the pictures is working for everyone
Again, Bobby and I want to thank everyone who made this trip possible. Our friends are working while we are gone, our supervisors allowed us to have the time off to spend together (we know during a highly desired vacation time), our family and neighbors are helping us with the house and cats..all things that needed to fall into place. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! We love you all.
Try the link for the should work...and remember the newest pictures are toward the bottom! Enjoy. P.S. We have not had signal for about a week. Not at Yellowstone, The Grand Tetons...but we have it now in Salt Lake City.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Pits...
We left Fishing Bridge Campground today (YEAH) and headed for Teton RV Park & Resort (not YEAH!) We had 3 nights booked for this place...and quickly canceled the second two nights. First of all, Fishing Bridge-the only park in Yellowstone with full RV hookups. We would not recommend staying there. It was very crowded, very busy, and not at all anything except a parking lot for anyone needing to spend the night in Yellowstone. As far as Yellowstone goes, if you are taking an RV to Yellowstone and want a place with a drain, water, and electric, you have no choice (besides the lodges). be continued (maybe in the morning) I've been doing laundry for the last 4 hours and it is time to run back....I'll post this in case I don't have signal all the way back in back soon
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Posing for a pic
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Well, I spoke too soon...
Julie buried her head in a pillow...These are pictures of the storm as we were approaching it...It didn't get any better.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
This is Lego Land at the Mall of America
Stay tuned...for
Friday, June 12, 2009
Welcome to Minnesota!
Welcome to Minnesota! Crossing the Mississippi. These little posts are from my cell phone. I had to give up my camera battery to Lindsey so she could take cool pictures. If you want to see the COOL STUFF, check out Lindsey's blog but I bet there won't be a huge amount of FAMILY pictures! I'll work on posting some more pictures. We've been mostly stuck in the truck since we left on the 10th at 6PM. We didn't want to leave home that late in the day but it took us that long to get ready & out--so we went ahead and left and drove to Washington, PA. The truck is pulling great & getting 10.4 miles/gallon! Bobby said its because of all the stuff I packed. BUT I PACKED LIGHT!!! He's the one that brought all the tools & extra stuff! Oh, wait--2 teenage girls...there must be 50lbs of products/plug in things with us! I can't complain--at least they are showering daily!
More soon...we found a neat place to stop every night so far...more on that when I have a few minutes...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
STRESS test results...
Vacation Stress Test: FAILING!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
News from Baltimore-We know everyone is on edge...
The tumors in Bobby's lungs have grown slightly since his last scan in April. This means that the IL-2 did not work. We had hoped that the IL2 would stop or reverse growth of the cancer in his lungs. It works only 15-20% of the time. A good part of this news is that Bobby does not have to suffer through any more IL-2. He was not ever looking forward to more of that. It was nasty stuff! A few of the tumors have shown very slight growth, there were no new tumors. His liver looks good. So, although the IL-2 didn't work, there are still positives out of today's scan.
The great news is that Dr. Sharfman said that all of this mess about Bobby's heart and EKG is nothing. He knew about the EKG report while Bobby was at Hopkins and it was not of any concern. He was surprised the family doctor even got the report. He said to go ahead and get the stress test (tomorrow) because it can't hurt anything...he expects it to be normal. Bobby is relieved to hear that.
Dr. S will call NIH (National Cancer Institute) tomorrow to see about getting him back into another clinical trial. That process should be easy because we set everything up before we left NIH. The doctor at NIH has kept in contact with Bobby to check on his progress. I will email him tonight. I will try to post some information about what we think might be next (about the clinical trial) after I do some research.
Bobby is understandably upset. It would have really been great if this had worked. Although the IL-2 didn't work, there are still options AND we were given news today that is positive. Bobby says he felt all along that this wouldn't work. He is having a hard time trying to be positive. I'm giving him lots of things to look forward to.
We are still making plans to leave for the BIG TRIP. We will hopefully find out more about NIH's time frame and be able to plan the dates around the that. It will all work out-for one reason or another. It has been hard to make firm plans and I don't think today's news helped.
We appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers that carried us through-we're not finished this battle yet! We have had someone bring meals to us every night for the last month. Thank you. We talked to so many people today (at Martin's) and the support Bobby & I have gotten is just amazing. People have been sending us supportive texts and messages all day. We love you guys!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Falling Behind...What could be next?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday-Yea!, A normal day...
Bobby talked with the Oncologist's office today. His next set of CAT Scans will be done in Baltimore on Monday. As I've posted before, the goal is to see that the IL-2 has slowed or reversed the growth of the tumors. We are praying about this. The results will determine the next course of treatment.
We will cross that bridge when we get there.
Monday, June 1, 2009
New stuff
Today is Julie's Birthday! She is 15! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE! Russ Zullick coordinated plans with us for tonight's meal-Thanks for being so accommodating Russ!
Yesterday was Bobby's first day home that I had to work. The kids were here and were Daddysitting. I left instructions-nothing dangerous, and NO LADDERS. He did TRY (his words) to drive to the hardware store down the street. I reminded him that he wasn't going to drive until after his check up today. He said he realized that after he got in the truck and TRIED to drive. He listens about as well as the kids do. Julie was proud that she was able to keep him off of any ladders.
Bobby is doing really well today. He is 95% back to normal, with nausea being his biggest complaint. His appetite has improved and the fluid retention has improved. He isn't sleeping very well at night. We make up for that by taking naps during the day.
I better close out of this because we have to be in Baltimore in 1.5 hours! He has a check up...I can write more after back later!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday Morning/Afternoon
Bobby is feeling much better today. Almost back to normal. He (and I) have been in bed most of the morning. He seems to be feeling less sick, less nauseated, and his mood is better. He was hungry for a huge piece of cake that Steph brought for dessert last night. I asked him to define "large piece" and his response was 8" x 8"! I told him that 8x8 is not a PIECE of cake--it IS a cake! I cut a piece that was about 4x6 and he ate 1/2 of that. He isn't needing the anti-nausea or other medicine so far today either. Each day is a better day than the previous one.
Here are some pictures from the last few days in the hospital...Maybe I'll just stick them in a slide show like I did the other ones. That seemed to work pretty well.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
And, we're back home
I'm exhausted. I had taken a book and some magazines to help pass the time in the hospital. I didn't have time to even open my book and I read one magazine article to Bobby...Consumer Reports' Guide to wiper blades. If I had a few minutes when he was asleep, I took advantage of it and grabbed a nap myself. He was a handful this time because of the restlessness. As soon as I thought he was happy and settled, he'd be up and want a change. I sent Jim a picture of Bobby laying backwards in the bed...before I could send the picture, he had turned back around! During the first course of IL2, Bobby slept for about 3 days. He even slept on the way home-I remember. This time, he couldn't sleep (or thought he couldn't sleep) and didn't sleep on the way home--I remember because he complained enough about my driving (getting back to normal quickly).
Catherine Ann brought dinner over tonight. It was wonderful. The last thing I could have done tonight was cook. Bobby hasn't eaten much of anything for several days. He did eat chicken & rice tonight. He liked the chicken. Our thanks to the George family! We haven't had dessert yet--
Actually, I did have some chocolate chip cookies that Sandy Miner brought over last night. Although Bobby and I weren't here, the kids appreciated having dinner. Sandy brought baked ziti. It must have been good because it appears most of it has been eaten! Thanks Scott & Sandy! So, the cookies I had were last night's dessert--that means I can still have some of tonight's dessert!
Well, it is 8:30. It has taken me a few hours to write this between interruptions, laundry, unpacking and relaxing. I'm ready for bed. I don't know if I had written in the blog last time about the vivid dreams that the IL2 causes. It causes very vivid, bizzare dreams. Bobby calls them HI-DEFINITION dreams. He says they seem so real-but they are crazy & don't make much sense. He was talking about the cat tonight-he remembers something about Copper (the cat) and wind-energy. Maybe Copper knows what he is talking about?
So, the plan is: wait until the 2nd week of June and repeat the CAT scan. It will show if the IL-2 treatment has stopped or reversed the growth of the tumors in his lungs. If the IL-2 has worked, these cycles are repeated: 3&4, 5&6...I can't remember how many: 6? or 8? If we don't see any improvement from the IL-2, we will be given the option of more clinical trials.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday's Events
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday ~ 1PM
I'm going to try to catch the 1:10 shuttle over to the family back soon!
Monday, May 25, 2009
I suppose we've been busy...
Everything has been pretty uneventful so far. Bobby has been very irritable and grumpy. He had too long to anticipate what was to come and by the time we finally got here, he seemed to get upset about each little thing. He was worried about things that MIGHT happen...and didn't. I have tried to stay on top of things and although HE wouldn't agree, everything has gone well. He has had ... 3 doses so far.
Well, I spoke too soon. We just had a 7 minute episode of rigors. He is resting comfortably now. OK...I give up. We just got him settled now after about 5 minutes of vomiting. He is asleep now. I'm doing everything I can do. He was mad that he was throwing up-blaming it on not having been given his anti-nausea medication. I assured him that, yes, he did get the medication. Maybe I'll start a chart for him so that he can see that we ARE doing things to help him and to prevent his misery. I know all of this is very hard. I am certainly open to ideas of ways that I can help him feel better. He has been talking about getting it over with so he can go home. They are taking good care of him here, but there's no place like home.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Not a Happy Camper...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Oh My
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tired & Nervous...
Bobby is nervous. He wants to go to bed but I'm still packing stuff up. I'm sure he is NOT looking forward to the misery and stress that is to come. I will be there with him which he says is what gets him through it. It would be miserable (or more so) if he (or anyone) had to be there alone. Some patients don't have family there which is sad. If I wasn't there with him there are 20 other people that would be!
We love you all...and will keep you posted. Thanks for all the support, prayers, and food. It is wonderful! Bobby just walked by and said, "I am so happy that you will be there with me. You don't know how comforting it is to know you will be there." And, I wouldn't have it any other way - forever & always...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hopefully this displays a SLIDESHOW...
I think if you click on the pictures it will bring it up larger...
Winding Down...
Bobby is feeling pretty good right now. His skin started peeling off of his hands and the soles of his feet this week. He is starting to get some irritation/soreness in his mouth. He is still very itchy and has very dry skin. That is all part of the IL-2. We expect things will get worse before they get better - considering he gets more IL-2 this week.
We went to the school last night for Julie's induction into the French Honor Society. We are very proud of her. I'd post a picture but she would not let me take any. She looked so pretty and smart. I guess we need to start saving for a class trip to France-or some other French-speaking country! We were careful-and concerned about being in that crowd of people. There were lots of people coughing...we're trying hard to not let anyone get sick at home!
So, we are packing and preparing to go back to Hopkins. Bobby will be more nervous as the week goes on. I will be able to make posts from the hospital to keep everyone up to date. Please feel free to email us or leave a message for Bobby on the guest book via the blog.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A little post for Grandy

Sunday, May 17, 2009
We Give Thanks...
Pam & Lance Shank: You have gone above and beyond! Pam has been here twice this week for us. Once with Slippery Beef Pot Pie & then Chicken Marsala. Both were excellent. Catherine Ann brought a huge meal at the beginning of the week. We had salad, lasagna, bread, wine, and orange salad. The kids loved having a variety of things they DO enjoy. We had enough leftovers to have another meal or two from each! Then, last night, Simon and Becky brought turkey loins, green beans, rice pilaf, & bee sting cake. I've never had some of these items but Bobby was familiar and couldn't wait. It was very good! Last of all, but not least...Steph Perkins brought baked Ziti, bread, & brownies over tonight. It was perfect--and also enough for another meal. We really have enjoyed our week.
We've enjoyed the beautifully prepared dishes, tasty desserts, wine, sparkling juice, fresh vegetables, and home made cakes and desserts.
Thank you all--it was all perfect! You are all wonderful friends...THANK YOU!
Bobby and I agreed that while we haven't known what we were getting FOR dinner each night, we were more excited to see WHO was coming with dinner. It was so nice to get to see everyone. I will admit that it was great for Bobby & I to get to see everyone--WE'VE MISSED YOU ALL! No one wants to stay but a few minutes...and that is OK. We don't want to take any chances with germs...but it has been nice visiting for a minute or two.
Time Flies
We had a change of plans as far as treatments go. We had planned on going back to Hopkins on Tuesday. They changed it to the following Tuesday, and now backed it up to Friday. I guess plans could still get moved around. We'll just be ready to go when they tell us to be there. Bobby is dreading those days in the hospital. It is hard to know ahead of time that misery is just around the corner. We know what to expect-which relieves the unknown but confirms the unpleasantness of it all.
I will try to get some more pictures posted. I still have some from the hospital, and others from last week. Time goes by quickly. We appreciate everything that is being done for us...from many friends & family. We couldn't do it without all of you! Be back soon...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Our stomachs are full!
Bobby had a check up today in Baltimore at Dr. Sharfman's office. Everything was great. His blood pressure was up a bit (but much better than it was yesterday). He is taking his BP medication now. His appetite is back and he is not so short of breath. His peeling skin is improving. I found a lotion that has worked very well on his peeling face. He likes it and it works well. He looks great! I took a picture last night...but it is on the computer which is in my car. I'll post it tomorrow morning (planned).We appreciate everyone respecting our request to not have visitors. We are working hard to keep the germs away. Poor Jim (Bobby's brother) hasn't come to see Bobby since he's been home...but then Jim came down with the flu yesterday and is quite sick. We are thankful that he hadn't come to visit because he was probably contagious before he knew he was sick. Bobby has been trying to email, phone, and text people but is staying clear of crowds. We were told by JHU to hang a sign on the door about visitors. The doctor recommends that his chemo patients keep a bottle of hand sanitizer and masks at the front door. Of course, we are compliant patients and have placed those items right on the front porch. We've all been diligent about hand washing and keeping kisses to a minimum. No handshakes and no sick people.
We had to pick up a prescription today at CVS. There was a boy in the store who was coughing...and coughing and sniffling...and coughing! We could not believe his mother allowed him to come in. Bobby just went back out to the car to get away from this snotty, coughing kid. I told Bobby that the Rx counter is probably not a good place to be. Everyone seemed sick! We will use the drive-thru next time. The doctor is pleased that Bobby got 9 doses of IL-2 during his first round. We will go back in 2 weeks to do it again. We feel better prepared. Although we won't look forward to the next session, we do have some experience now and know what to expect. I spoke to the nurse manager at JHU today. I told her how happy we were with the staff and nurses there. Everyone was attentive and took great care of Bobby. He liked the nurses and the attention he was getting! We were comforted by the atmosphere there and the care we were given was exceptional. Thank you! Again, thanks to everyone for your efforts...we appreciate everything you do! More to come on the plan for the next few weeks. Hello to all!
Monday, May 11, 2009
We've been taking it easy this morning, relaxing with the newspaper, coffee...and getting the kids off to school. Julie is quarantined in her room (away from Daddy) because she has a sore throat and feels crappy. She is being very attentive to hand washing and minimizing her time that she is close to anyone else (esp. Dad). The kids are all pitching in and helping out. Grandy (Donna's mom) has been here with the kids. Yesterday, she left to take a little road trip around perhaps, WV. A sight-seeing tour. We need her back next week when we go for round 2. Grandy normally lives in Florida so it is too far for her to drive home for 10 days and then come back. She needed a little break from being here.
We have had numerous offers for people to help. Pam Shank has made arrangements for meals for our family for the next two weeks. She has been working hard and everyone here appreciates her efforts. Thank you to everyone for helping out. The support is amazing.
Bobby feels better today. He is still a little nauseated and sounds short of breath. He has more energy and his mood is "less grumpy." His appetite is returning slowly. He is still saying a few little goofy things...but not like yesterday or the day before! He is taking care of business things (bills, maintenance...) like normal.
I'm gonna go draw some bath water for him...maybe I'll join him!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Bobby is feeling very tired, still nauseated, and just icky. It is a HUGE improvement since yesterday. He is more himself today, complaining about this and that. This morning, among other little things, he is uncomfortable in the bed. I don't blame him one bit...but he has tolerated it well when there were worse things to complain about.
I'll post tonight after he is snug in his bed. He will hopefully be much more comfortable there! Thank you all for your support this week! I havent turned down any offers...and still won't! Give him some time until he feels like talking and we see if he wants visitors.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday PM
Bobby apologized to me. I asked what he was apologizing for and he said for not getting 14 doses. HE is the one wanting 14 doses...I'm the one who wants to bring my husband HOME from the hospital...and well enough to come back in 2 weeks for Round 2. I told him that his body (not his will power) said to stop at 9. His body is too stressed to continue. If 9 is his magic number...let it be 9. Maybe we should have had 9 kids? Anyway, I've tried to tell him...9 is great.
He still feels very sick. I got him to take a 1/2 of a popsicle. He didn't eat fact, he slept through it. The plan is that if his fever is down enough tomorrow, they will let him come home. If not...we'll try again Sunday.
I told Jim this story & I'd like to share it with was cute. Jim told me to tell Bobby that he was proud of him. Bobby was sleeping but I did tell him. He didn't move a muscle. Out like a light! Then, a loud noise from the street came storming thru...vrroooom vroommmm.................His eyes open up and he says, "Those are dirt bikes! Dirt bikes are a huge problem in Baltimore City..." He was probably right about the noise that woke him being a dirtbike or two. I wouldn't know! It was cute because my voice didn't arouse him!
So, we wait for tomorrow to see what his vitals are. See what his temperature is. I'll keep you posted. He is ready this time :) .
Day 4 (and the night before)
Bobby has been sleeping well despite what seems like 5 minute interruptions. He lost the day yesterday, thinking it was still Thursday when they asked him this morning. I reminded him that he slept thru Thursday...and he remembered.
MSP just flew into Hopkins. We can see the approach but not the helipad. I saw them coming and called Bobby's name a few times (quietly) to try to let him watch them come in. He didn't budge...UNTIL the helicopter turned and he heard them. His eyes popped open...responsive only to the noise of that which is closeset to his heart!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day 3
Thank you for the emails and notes of encouragement. He likes reading everything from everyone. I just saw the sign today that says "No flowers or potted plants" on the door of the unit. I got him some balloons to brighten up his room (although he has big windows with a view of the city and says he likes having them open so he can see the ??sunshine). I had to ask him about that because we haven't seen the sun for a few days in Maryland!! It did peek out for a few minutes last evening...but right now, it is raining again.
Dose 6 is hanging now...and he is back to sleep! Please email me if I'm missing anything you want to know...I'll try to catch it in the next post!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 2
Bobby just asked me how the blog was coming...and I said, "Its not...I've been sleeping!" I hadn't posted anything--and he was disappointed. Sorry...I've been kind of busy fluffing pillows and tucking in sheets! Let's see, yesterday, we came down to Hopkins. Bobby had his Hickman catheter placed. It didn't run the first time so they had to place a second one. That caused some extra tenderness in his neck/chest but that has improved. After the catheter was placed, we were taken up to his room on the 5th floor. The nurses were like flies on him (and he loved that). He is making friends with all of the nurses. They are young, cute, and are taking great care of him. He has mentioned several times that he is impressed with the care. Last night, they hung the Interleukin-2 at 10PM as planned. About 45 minutes later, the "rigors" started. This is a side effect of the medication and the nurses were quick to give him morphine to help control the rigors. Chills [Rigors] Chills are extreme, involuntary muscle contractions with characteristic paroxysms of violent shivering and teeth chattering. Commonly accompanied by a fever, chills tend to arise suddenly, usually heralding the onset of infection. This is expected from the body's reaction to the IL-2. The chills I saw last night were severe...not like I've seen before. It took about 15 minutes for the medication to work and for him to feel better. Nausea has also been a problem. Finally, some Zofran helped him this morning. Other than the chills & nausea, he is feeling pretty good. Bobby is eating like normal...well...normal isn't quite covering it. Today, for lunch: Sloppy Joe, macaroni & cheese, tossed salad, roll, fruit cup, cookie...and I think I'm missing one or two things. Oh, he saved his chips for later. I hope it stays where he put it!He gets nervous when it is time for the next dose (in 30 minutes). They said they would just give him the morphine to prevent the rigors (he thought this was a great idea). The plan is to keep going with the doses until we get to 14. They are watching him closely and so far--he's doing great. His spirits are hanging in there. His eyes just lit up when MSP just landed at the hospital. He likes being able to sleep. I hang a note on the door so they don't come in every 5 minutes and wake him. He slept for a few solid hours this morning. OK, we are getting ready for the 2PM dose. He has been playing on Skype and texting people. I'll post more this evening. Hugs to all...we feel the love!